20 Passenger Minibus Amenities
Traveling in a 20-passenger minibus offers passengers plenty of opportunities to customize their ride experience with special amenities. Passengers can request standard, popular amenities such as air-conditioning, reclining seats, and additional legroom to stretch out. Your bus rental can also include overhead storage space to stash personal belongings or luggage, keeping your bags close at hand. Other amenities on a 20-passenger minibus include things like extra luggage storage space, power outlets for devices and laptops, and a PA system if you have to deliver team announcements or want to karaoke during the road trip with friends. And no need to disappear into the black hole of low cell service during a road trip! Enjoy onboard WiFi and TVs with a DVD player for entertainment in areas with no service or to keep wedding guests and students happy during long rides.
Available Amenities Can Include
Reclining Seats
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Power Outlets
AM/FM Radio
Overhead Storage

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